dimanche 27 mars 2016

A break in Edinburgh, one of my favorite place in Scotland

Living in Glasgow since September, I have had the luck to go at different times in Edinburgh. Classified in the UNESCO world heritage, Edinburgh is an inescapable city in Europe. I encourage you to come a weekend here. To facilitate you the life, I have concocted a program for a weekend of three days.
Day 1:
Calton Hill
To begin pop over to Calton Hill, like this you will have an idea of the city centre and that will help you to find your way. Leave in the direction of Princes Street and go to the cemetery on the left, Calton cemetery, in Scotland cemeteries are worth the detour. Once arrived in Princes Street go to the Scott Monument, maybe you will see a bagpiper, take a tourist picture. Then cross Princes Street Garden which leads at the foot of the castle (visit it or not) and find a place where you can eat. After a great lunch, leave in the direction of the National museum. Don’t forget the terrace! Finish the day by walking around in Old Town. For evening take a glass (or several J) in a traditional pub.
Day 2:
For the second day, I propose a hike day. According to your preferences either Pentlands (all day) or Cramond (half-day) or Water of Leith (two hours). If the weather is good, go to do some visits: for example, Craigmilar Castle or stores. For evening, begin with an Irish Pub which proposes every evening “live music” concerts, then go to discover the night life of Edinburgh. I advise to you to go at the Cabaret Voltaire.
Day 3:

Arthur's Seat
Smoothly awakening, find a pub which proposes a “Scottish” breakfast, it is rather English but is worth the detour. If you don’t know where go, test Wheterspoon, a cheap and pretty good chain of pubs in the United Kingdom. Then, in order to eliminate the breakfast and the excesses of the night before, I suggest you to climb Arthur’s Seat (one hour). Think to take a look at the palace of the Queen and the Scottish parliament. Finish with a last tour of the city centre and especially Princes Street shops. Clean out Topman, Urban Outfitters, River Island or All Saints.
Princes Street

lundi 14 mars 2016

Isle of Arran, an Erasmus trip in a little heaven

Hey guys,

Today I am going to speak about one of my last trips. Two weeks ago I went with some friends at the Isle of Arran, located a few kilometres away from Glasgow, in order to discover this island.

For peoples who don’t know this little isle, Arran is located in the gulf of the Clyde, in the region of Glasgow. This one is often nicknamed little Scotland. Indeed, on this “little” rock you can discover a hallucinating wealth of landscapes. It’s a mass of the different landscapes that we can find through Scotland.

On this isle, the main activity remains the hike because the island has several paths allowing to discover different landscapes. However, the main tourist attraction remains the Goat Fell. The Goat Fell is a mountain looming at 874m, whom numerous individuals enjoy every year to climb. During my trip, I have had the luck to climb this mountain and I can tell you that up there the panorama is breathtakingly. Several hours of climb are necessary before to arrive at the summit.
If you are a little bit lucky, some seals approach the coasts from time of time. ;)

How go to the Isle of Arran?

To go there, the simplest way is to take a train from Glasgow Cental to Ardrossan. Over there, take the ferry of the company Caledonian Isle towards Brodick. Arrive in Brodick, you just need to go to the tourist office in order to have some tips and after to discover the island with paths.

A small advice: if you wish to save money, take a return trip ticket Glasgow Central – Brodick, this one will be valid for the train and the ferry. This advice will allow you to save at least 5£. J

I put some pictures below so as to make you want to go on this awesome isle.

Enjoy the pictures!! J


mercredi 9 mars 2016

Berlin, my love

Guten tag!

Today I come back in order to speak about my favourite city: Berlin. I have been lucky to go in January 2016 and I was taken with this city.

I have discovered a dynamic, young and in reconstruction city. After dark hours Berlin shines with its open-mindedness, its joy of life and its overjoyed energy. Berlin surprised me by its beauty, its history, its inhabitants but especially with its crazy nights. Indeed, Berlin is internationally renowned for its mythical clubs such as Berghain, Tresor or Watergate (three of my favourite clubs in Berlin). It’s an inescapable stage for every techno fans. Moreover, we cannot pretend to know Berlin without discover the essence of this city. That’s why I am going to present my four favourite clubs in Berlin and finish with a small top 10 of things to see in Berlin. (despite our love for techno music it’s important to visit a little bit ;) ).

Berghain – Panorama Bar

I don’t know where to begin! This club is the most mythical in Berlin…. Its line-up, its resident artists and its atmosphere made its international renowned. Go inside Berghain, it’s discover an atmosphere never seen until now in other clubs.  Indeed, inside you will discover immense spaces just a little bit lighted, jerky by stroboscopes and filled of smokes. I have just one advice, com in only if you are open-minded. J 
Moreover, Berghain doesn’t have hours. Indeed, Berghain opens at midnight and stay open until the afternoon (when it is not open nonstop). You can arrive at 3am as 3pm, there always will be some party-animals enjoying sound.
Its dark sides, the queue beside club and demanding bouncers, without real selection criterions.
If you pass in Berlin, try you luck at Berghain. If you cross its doors, be sure to live an outstanding experience.

The Trésor is also mythical as its counterpart the Berghain. Its place, an old electric factory, has allowed to be one of the best clubs in Berlin. But it is especially for its history that the Trésor acquired its reputation. Indeed, it is the club which launch techno in Berlin.
The entry in this club is rather easy, staff is nice and the quality of sound is amazing. It is not a club where we go to show itself, here we meet amateurs of techno. The decoration inside is a little bit seedy but it is what makes of its charm.
As the Berghain, Trésor is an unavoidable and will allow you to live a real experience.

Le “Chalet”
It is a small intimate club which I had the opportunity to discover accidentally during my trip in Berlin. The Chalet is a real Berlin underground club with all the features. Indeed, inside you can do what you want in quite coolness. Here key words are: drug, sex and techno ;) ! It is an inevitable stage in Berlin for its music and its authenticity

Watergate is one of the leading light clubs of the moment in Berlin. It is not always simple to go inside and the queue can be long. Don’t arrive at 10 people and anticipate a long waiting time. If you enter, you will not be disappointed. The club is on two floors, at the edge of the Spree (river crossing Berlin) with big bay windows which allow you to see the sunrise. It is not an underground club as we find in Berlin. Inside you can find many tourists.
The dark sides are: the queue which can easily last more than one hour, a lot of people inside (toilets, bar and dancefloor) and it can be very hot on the dancefloor.
However, between two techno parties, take time to visit and see Berlin. Indeed, this city has plenty things to see as The Berlin Wall, Brandenburg Gate, TV Tower, etc. For the lazybones I give you my Top 10 of the things to see in Berlin. Je les ai triés en fonction de leur importance et de mes préférences. I have created my top 10 according to the importance and my preferences.

TOP 10 in Berlin
1.       Brandenburg Gate

2.       Berlin Wall (East Side Gallery)

 3.       Reichstag Building

4.       TV tower and Alexanderplatz 

5.       Museum Island

6.       Gendarmenmarkt

7.       Charlottenburg Palace

8.       Bebelplatz

9.       Berlin Botanical Garden

10.   Check Point Charlie


jeudi 3 mars 2016

Few days in lovely Amsterdam

Hey there!

Today I come back in order to give you some good deals for Amsterdam.

 Amsterdam is a fascinating city, rich in history and known for its beauty. However, it is the reputation of sulphurous city and its debauchery that attracts every year numerous of young people. Indeed, Amsterdam is internationally famous for its red light district and these hundred coffee shops dispatch in every corners of the city.

To take advantage at the best of your stay, I am going to present 10 things to do in Amsterdam for less 10 euros as well as 5 inescapable places. By following my tips, visit Amsterdam without waste his money is possible.

10 things to do for less than 10 euros (8£)

Anne Frank Museum, unavoidable and touching visit (8,50€ - 6,50£)

Hash Marihuana & Hemp Museum, for weed lovers (7€ - 5,50£)

An aquatic taxi fare on canals (from 8€ - 6£)

Visit the clandestine church of Red Light District (7€ - 5,50£)

Sexmuseum, discover the History of Sex (4€ - 3£)

Rent bikes and wander the city (from 6,50€ the half-day – 5£)

Eat a SpaceCake at Jolly Joker, mi favourite coffee shop (6€ - 4,70£)

Go in cheese shops in order to take advantage of tastings (Free)

Take a brunch at Buffet Van Odette (10€ - 8£)

Take a walk in Jordaan, picturesque district filled with restaurants, bars and second-hand clothes shops (Free)

5 things to see


Real symbol of the city, these letters are a compulsory passage for every tourist who comes in Amsterdam.

Red Light District

After I AMSTERDAM letters, the Red Light District is undoubtedly the second thing to see in Dam. This district is renowned for their hundred prostitutes in shop windows. To discover by night so as to soak up the atmosphere.

DAM Square

Principal place of Amsterdam, Dam square is known for its notable buildings and frequent events.


Amazing park situated in full heart of Amsterdam. Discover this one a sunny day by making a picnic (Dutch are crazy about it) or simply by walking.

Stroll and admire canals

The best way to discover the Venise of the North is to stroll in the Streets.

I hope that article will be useful for you so as to plan your trip in Amsterdam. A last small advice before leaving, don’t let you submerge by all the vices of this fucking city ;)!

mardi 1 mars 2016

Glasgow: My city of adoption

Hey guys!

After a period without any articles, I finally post my first “guide”. For this first one, I decided to present the city where I live now since September: Glasgow. It is with pleasure that I am going to make you discover inescapable places of my city of adoption.
First city in Scotland, Glasgow is a multifaceted city. Advocating its young and trendy side, Glasgow attracts all the Scottish youth wishing to have fun. I am going to present the main attractions in the city, my favorite district as well as my favorite bars, clubs or restaurants.

Its main attractions
In spite of Glasgow is the main city in Scotland, this one is not renowned for its tourism and the diversity of its monuments. Indeed, Glasgow is an old industrial city, whose the vestiges haven’t disappeared. The city doesn’t enjoy a beauty and an attractiveness as its neighbour: Edinburgh. However, Glasgow owns some gems which are worth it during a trip in Scotland.

Buchanan Street

The main trading artery of the city, this one is considered as the second biggest of the United Kingdom after Oxford Street. You can find all the international brands as H&M, Topshop, Forever 21, Diesel or GAP.

Its advantage: The architecture of its buildings

Princes Square

Kelvingrove Museum and Park

One of the main museums in Glasgow and in Scotland. This one is in an awesome Victorian building. Kelvingrove Museum welcomes a big diversity of exhibitions. Moreover, this one is located in the full heart of an amazing park: Kelvingrove Park.

Its advantage: the entrance is free.

Exhibition in Kelvingrove Museum

Glasgow University

Real trip in time, this college is not without reminding us the adventures of the young wizard Harry Potter. Indeed, visit this university it is like a dive into the books of J.K.Rowling.
Its advantage: Its fantastic universe.


Something to see for its history, “extravagance” and its view.
Its advantage: Its amazing view over the city of Glasgow.

My favorite district
Undoubtedly: The West End. District of predilection of students and hipsters, West End is the area where it’s necessary to find its flat or to live during a stay. From my arrival in Glasgow, I very fast discovered this district and I totally fell in love. West End is filled with little trendy coffee shops, restaurants and second-hand clothes shops. We also find Kelvingrove museum, Kelvingrove park and the University of Glasgow.

My favorite addresses in West End:
·         Restaurants:
o   Black Sheep Bistro: 10 Clarendon Street   
o Fanny Trollope’s: 1066 Argyle Street
·         Coffee Shops:

o   Artisan Roast: 15 -17 Gibson Street
o   Papercup: 603 Great Western Road
o   Kember and Jones: 134 Byres Road
·         Second-hand clothes shops:
o   Vintage Guru: 195 Byres Road
o   The Glasgow Vintage Co: 453 Great Western Rd
Favorite Clubs
Being a big amateur of techno, I mainly frequent this kind of clubs. However, Glasgow owns several clubs with different atmosphere, decor and music style. We can find reggae, rock, electro, English pop or “standard” clubs.
I am only going to speak about my favorite addresses for listen techno.
Let’s start with Sub Club, real institution in Glasgow. Elected two consecutive years’ best techno club in United Kingdom, this club enjoys an international reputation.
Its advantages: Its line-up and the quality of its sound system.

FLAT 0/1
Flat 0/1 is an atypical but inescapable club of Glasgow. Indeed, this one is located in an old flat transformed into a club. This small intimist club allows you to discover young DJ of the region.
Its advantages: Free entry and atypical place.

They are parties organized every month by various independent labels of techno music. For every amateur of techno, it is a compulsory stage when we are in Glasgow. The Pressure welcome every biggest artist of the techno scene such as Marcel Dettman, Carl Graig, Nina kraviz or Skream. Follow my advice, go to Pressure.
Its advantage: line-up of international DJ

To finish, it is important to specify that all the clubs in Glasgow close at 3:00AM.

When we are student in Glasgow, numerous good deals exist. The main sesame for all its good deals: our student card. Indeed, this one allows us to obtain many discounts in clothe shops, coffee shops, pubs, clubs, bus or museums. We can take as example Urban Outfitters who offers 15% all year to students, MacGills (buses company) who propose a student day ticket for 2,60£ or some coffee shops which propose until 30% on the bill.
As regards clubs, it is important to know that we can join a guest list in order to benefit a free entrance. For this, we have to go on the website of the club or on its Facebook page. It’s also important to indicate that the entrance is often free before 11:30pm.